Will your child be starting Year 7 at Butler College?
Enrol by early Term 4 to ensure your child can attend our Transition Day!
Starting secondary school is a big step that can be exciting and also daunting for children. Our Year 6 Transition Program is all about helping your child to feel comfortable and happy about starting Year 7 at Butler College.
The Transition Program is a fun and exciting day for Year 6 students. They'll meet their new teachers, have fun navigating our campus, enjoy activities such as cooking, science and sports; and most importantly, get to know other new students.
Enrolled students will be invited to attend our Transition Day in the last few weeks of Term 4. It's vital you have enrolled your child as early as possible (before mid-July is preferred or at the very latest, by early Term 4) to ensure they can participate.
Visit Administration (open during school terms only) to collect an Enrolment Application, download a copy or contact us on 9561 4200 to discuss your circumstances. We look forward to welcoming you and your child to our school soon.